Friday, 29 October 2010

Modernism and Swiss Photographics

Systems/ Grids and Creative Methodologies

Above are two posters by Josef Muller-Brockmann 1960

Covered in this lecture was the spread of modernism in photography and design. The rise of art for industry and the golden age of photographic illustration.

Historical Context

To put this new era of design in its historical context, it was a time when things were being produced to be efficient and effective within industry. From the 1920's onwards there was arise in the industrial process. Everything was being produced in parts, cars, objects, machinery in order to be economically cost effective. It was rapidly becoming a mechanical culture.

Designers were focused on precision, efficiency in the use of time and space, systems" typographic and photographic, grids, objectivity and Taylorism. The work was not hand-rendered and pictorial but modernist, scientific and objective. It was around this time it was decided that paper was to be standardised.

The opposition to this however, was that people were becoming to controlled. That everything was becoming robotic and similar, there was no natural, pictorial elements that made work more personal.

great website for extra research : swiss grafik

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